Our history
The Youngstown Press Club dates its history back to 1902 when it was reported that the club was organized with a charter list of 40 members.
The inaugural officers were William F. Maag Sr., president; George C. Phillips, vice president; F. A. Douglas, secretary; and L.E. Wright, treasurer. Directors were Clate A. Smith, O. P. Shaffer, R. R. Sharman, A. J. Hammond, and Samuel Wright.
While records are incomplete, Maag, Douglas, Smith, Shaffer and Wright were all associated with The Youngstown Vindicator. Maag was business manager, Douglas was editor, Smith was city editor, Shaffer served in a variety of editorial roles (and later as the Youngstown postmaster) and Wright was sports editor.
Sharman was business manager of the Youngstown Telegram.
In March 1911, The Mahoning Dispatch reported that the Youngstown Press Club hosted noted author, journalist and humorist Opie Read as a speaker.
At that time, the paper reported that the club was in its “second or third” iteration. It said the club has not “boomed heartily” and “has not the membership it probably deserves.”
While it offered no explanation for the underwhelming presence of the club, this era was a time of intense competition between The Youngstown Vindicator and the Youngstown Telegram. It is not inconceivable that the competitive atmosphere undermined the conviviality of the club.
There are no records showing club activity for many years until the mid-1980s when the Youngstown Press Club was again quite active, hosting speakers, a mayoral debate and club outings to sporting events, among other activities.
In 1987, Avanti Motors owner J.J. Cafaro and President Michael E. Kelly made news while addressing the Press Club when Kelly said he would shut down the fledgling automaker if its workers unionized. The remarks were widely reported and resulted in a complaint being filed with the National Labor Relations Board.
Following the 1980s, the club was again largely dormant.
In September 2018, the club relaunched with keynote speaker YSU President Jim Tressel at a chartering event.
Mary Beth Earnheardt, a Youngstown State University journalism professor, served as the newly relaunched club’s first executive director.
Members of the Board of Governors (and their affiliations) at that time included JoAnn Kolarik (WFMJ), Mollie Hartup (YSU), Michele Ristich Gatts (Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown), George Nelson (The Business Journal), Pete Milliken (retired, Vindicator), John Stran (Jambar), and Chelsea Simeon (WKBN).
The inaugural officers were William F. Maag Sr., president; George C. Phillips, vice president; F. A. Douglas, secretary; and L.E. Wright, treasurer. Directors were Clate A. Smith, O. P. Shaffer, R. R. Sharman, A. J. Hammond, and Samuel Wright.
While records are incomplete, Maag, Douglas, Smith, Shaffer and Wright were all associated with The Youngstown Vindicator. Maag was business manager, Douglas was editor, Smith was city editor, Shaffer served in a variety of editorial roles (and later as the Youngstown postmaster) and Wright was sports editor.
Sharman was business manager of the Youngstown Telegram.
In March 1911, The Mahoning Dispatch reported that the Youngstown Press Club hosted noted author, journalist and humorist Opie Read as a speaker.
At that time, the paper reported that the club was in its “second or third” iteration. It said the club has not “boomed heartily” and “has not the membership it probably deserves.”
While it offered no explanation for the underwhelming presence of the club, this era was a time of intense competition between The Youngstown Vindicator and the Youngstown Telegram. It is not inconceivable that the competitive atmosphere undermined the conviviality of the club.
There are no records showing club activity for many years until the mid-1980s when the Youngstown Press Club was again quite active, hosting speakers, a mayoral debate and club outings to sporting events, among other activities.
In 1987, Avanti Motors owner J.J. Cafaro and President Michael E. Kelly made news while addressing the Press Club when Kelly said he would shut down the fledgling automaker if its workers unionized. The remarks were widely reported and resulted in a complaint being filed with the National Labor Relations Board.
Following the 1980s, the club was again largely dormant.
In September 2018, the club relaunched with keynote speaker YSU President Jim Tressel at a chartering event.
Mary Beth Earnheardt, a Youngstown State University journalism professor, served as the newly relaunched club’s first executive director.
Members of the Board of Governors (and their affiliations) at that time included JoAnn Kolarik (WFMJ), Mollie Hartup (YSU), Michele Ristich Gatts (Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown), George Nelson (The Business Journal), Pete Milliken (retired, Vindicator), John Stran (Jambar), and Chelsea Simeon (WKBN).
(Re)Established in 2018
The Youngstown Press Club, Inc. was re-established in 2018 to promote journalism and other communication-related professions in the Mahoning Valley. The Youngstown Press Club operates exclusively for educational and social purposes. The Youngstown Press Club maintains a registered office in Youngstown, Ohio.
Our mission
The Youngstown Press Club's mission is to support journalists and communicators in the greater Mahoning Valley by:
- Honoring past excellence in journalism and communications through our Hall of Fame, Excellence in Media Award, First Amendment Award, and Medal of Merit
- Supporting present working journalists and communicators by supporting First Amendment and press freedom causes, and providing speakers and events that help them hone their craft
- Investing in the future of journalism and communications by offering scholarships, mentoring and support for student journalists and communicators.
Our members
Our members are journalists, communicators, students, retirees, and those who are passionate about local journalism and press freedom.
To apply for membership in the Youngstown Press Club, see our membership application.
To apply for membership in the Youngstown Press Club, see our membership application.
Our board
The Youngstown Press Club is led by an eight-member Board of Governors.
The board meets four times a year. Board members are elected for two-year terms.
Meet our Board of Governors here.
The board meets four times a year. Board members are elected for two-year terms.
Meet our Board of Governors here.
Our bylaws
The Youngstown Press Club is governed by bylaws, revisions on which are voted on by members.
Youngstown Press Club
1 University Plaza Department of Communication Youngstown, OH 44555 Mailing address: P.O. Box 2531 Youngstown, OH 44507 |